viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

Sound of Life

There’s a mixtape on the corner
Of an empty room,
its full of dust, it’s not even been used
its full of records, full of memories
Full of shit, full of meaningless lyrics

That mixtape, off its box
Its broken, it cant keep it inside anymore
A little girl came running, with a red radio player,
Holds the tape between her little fingers,
And pushed the green button, to hear the music play.

It started with a love song, a lullaby
A gentle song, with no one crying
It had choirs of angels, and a clean sound,
It had echoes of laughter, and a piano man

There was a lady singing, softly
She was telling a little story,
She was happy, she was shy
The little girl started to sing along, smiling
The little girl was dancing, with no one watching.

Then, the sound stopped for a moment
And the drums started to beat
A horrible drum solo, a nightmare
It came more and more intense,
It had no rhythm, no place to be
No guitar joining the party, no bass to break it in

The little girl was so scared, terrified
There was no pause button, no fast forward,
 There where only two buttons to push
Because in life, you can just push play, and go on with the music
Or you can just STOP it, and never hear it anymore.

Where was the piano man, the one of the very beginning?
Where was the laugh, the lullaby
Where was the calm,
Where was the sound?

The mixtape just went on and on
She couldn’t stop playing,
Not quite yet
She listened to it, carefully
It has to stop, it has to change, she said
I wont hit STOP, I wont ended it yet,
It has to change, I has to get better

The drums where unstoppable, it was ridiculous,
She couldn’t hear her thoughts, she couldn’t feel her legs
She was sitting there, listening,
It has to be over soon, it has to be

The music went on and on,
Between the beats, between the drums,
She heard women crying, she heard men hitting
She heard scratches, she heard despair
She felt shadows, she saw wrath
She was so little, she was about to fall

The madness took over, her poor little head
It raped her mind, it took away her innocence,
It killed her soul, it let the devil play with her hair.

What if it never stops?
What if it never goes away?
There was just only one button to push, only one
And maybe, she will never hear the lullaby,
But she needs some quiet time now

The drums went more and more intense
She couldn’t stop shaking
Every beat, every hit
Was a dagger inside of her

There was no rewind button, nor pause
There was no volume to control, nor tune
The little red radio player, the little Pandora’s box
The little girl sitting in front of madness, the little girl full of despair.

What are you gonna do, little girl?
Wanna see your friends again? Wanna play outside?
Why don’t you stay awhile?
Why don’t you jump at the beat of the drums?
Break the walls in front of you, with your fist
Break the floor, break the windows
Break the shadows, break the sound

Are you mad little girl?
Are you scared?
There’s just one button to push
Only one way out

Push the button, little girl
Stop the music, stop the madness
Stop the killer, stop the sound

And the little girl, crawl her way closer to the radio player
That little fucking radio player
Put her fingertips on the red button, next to the green one
And with the last one of her breaths, she push it down

And the sound immediately, irremediably stopped.